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10152012 Loloi Unveils New Company Logo



Loloi's new logo

DALLAS – Loloi has unveiled a new company logo and tagline, A Pattern of Distinction, according to Cyrus Loloi, company executive. The  new brand identity was unveiled at Loloi's High Point market party on Sunday, Oct. 14 ,

“A Pattern of Distinction has a clever double meaning that represents us well,” said Loloi. “Our patterns on individual rugs are original and distinctive, but over time, we've also developed a pattern of introducing distinctive rugs and maintaining solid business practices.” 

The new logo is a stylized "L," which conveys the idea of a thread. According to Loloi, this imagery represents the material and techniques used in creating the company’s unique rugs.

While the company’s full name, Loloi Rugs, was included on the previous logo, “Rugs” is absent from the new version. “Loloi has plans in the very near future to expand into pillows, throws, and other home furnishings,” added Loloi. “We wanted our new logo to be reflective of our plans to move forward.”

The new brand identity will be included in all of Loloi’s future products and applied to all of its branding and marketing communications moving forward.




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