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Dallas Market Center Announces Design Days Schedule for April 2-3

allas Market Center, the largest open-daily design marketplace in the country, announces the schedule of events taking place during Dallas Design Days, April 2-3, 2024.

DALLAS – Dallas Market Center, the largest open-daily design marketplace in the country, announces the schedule of events taking place during Dallas Design Days, April 2-3, 2024.

The spring event will feature educational and networking events for the design community across the Interior Home & Design Center, World Trade Center, and Trade Mart.

The centerpiece event is Dine + Design, presented by Benjamin Moore and sponsored by Luxe Interiors + Design, on Tuesday, April 2. The luncheon theme is Lonestar Luxury Style: A Celebration of Texas-Inspired Luxury Design and Captivating Color Palettes and will include a discussion with Texas-based interior designers Chad Dorsey, Laura Lee Clark and Ginger Curtis, moderated by Lara Hallock, Texas Homes Editor | Luxe Interiors + Design. This design discussion will be complemented by the exclusive unveiling of the Dallas edit: a color palette curated just for the Lone Star state, which was influenced by iconic Dallas landmarks, sports teams, skyline, and cultural influences.

An RSVP for Dine + Design is required and is available via the Dallas Market Center website.

Other events for Design Days will focus on insights and celebration. The official celebration of D Home magazine’s Best Designers 2024 issue will take place on April 3 at 5pm in the Interior Home & Design Center’s shared-showroom space, The Gallery, IHDC 1D202. The issue features and recognizes interior design talent, from internationally recognized Interior Designers to rising stars in the industry.

The Metaverse Lighting TrendHouse, an immersive 3D experience which debuted during January’s Lightovation show, will be available for attendees to enjoy during a reception hosted by Hubbardton Forge and Progress Lighting on April 2 at 4pm. The TrendHouse features virtual representations of lighting, home decor, and technology that is featured in the 2024 Lightovation Trend Report.

Additional Events and Education

During Design Days, showrooms will also be hosting special events, hospitalities, and open houses including Couture Lamps, Currey & Company, Designer’s Patio, Hubbardton Forge, Progress Lighting, and more.

Tuesday, April 2

10 am - Luxe Vacation Rental Design, WTC 1 Atrium
Back by popular demand! Looking for a way to expand your interior design business and bring in more income? Join Jessica Duce of JDuce Design and Lara Hollock of LUXE Interiors + Design as they talk with interior designers about luxury vacation rental design.

11 am - Trend Champagne Vignette Viewing, WTC 1 Atrium
Before the Dine + Design luncheon, view inspiring vignettes from Dallas Market Center's amazing showrooms. Event check-in and vignette viewing, with complimentary champagne, begins at 11am in the atrium of the World Trade Center.

12 pm - Dine + Design Luncheon: Benjamin Moore presents Lone Star Style: A Celebration of Texas - Inspired Luxury Design and Captivating Color Palettes moderated by Luxe Interiors + Design, WTC 10 Atrium
Join Dallas Market Center, Benjamin Moore, and Luxe Interiors + Design for a conversation with top Texas Interior Designers, Chad Dorsey, Laura Lee Clark and Ginger Curtis about what “Texas Style” means to them and see the exclusive unveiling of the Dallas edit, a color palette curated just for the Lone Star state. RSVP required.

1 pm - Luxe Vacation Rental Design Tour with Jessica Duce, WTC 10 Atrium
Award-winning Interior Designer, Jessica Duce, leads a tour around the Dallas Market Center campus to discover incredible vacation rental design resources.

2 pm – Couture Lamps Event, Shedding Light on Style, IHDC 1D202 – The Gallery 66
Explore the manipulation of light through various shapes, styles and lamp shade materials. Learn how to influence the mood and atmosphere of a room while simultaneously maintaining focus on safety and well-being in this CEU-accredited (1.0 AIA/CES LU or 1.0 IDCEC LU) session.

3 pm - Eyes on Lighting Design with Progress Lighting and Kaleidoscope Project, TM 3840
Learn what’s hot and what’s not in lighting through the eyes of The Kaleidoscope Project designers.

4 pm - Progress Lighting & Hubbardton Forge Metaverse Lighting TrendHouse Cocktail Hour, TM 3 Lighting Metaverse TrendHouse | TM 3840 | TM 3725
View the Metaverse Lighting TrendHouse, an immersive 3D experience which features virtual representations of lighting, home decor, and technology that reflected the 2024 Lightovation Trend Report. Plus be present to win exclusive prizes from Hubbardton Forge and Progress Lighting.

Wednesday, April 3

2 pm - Currey & Company Event with Traci Connell Interiors: Reframing R.I.S.K: Reframe mistakes. Invest in yourself. Set yourself apart. Know your number, IHDC 1D228
Join Traci Connell, principal of Traci Connell Interiors and business coach and founder of The Gloss: The Ultimate Glossary of Business Resources for Interior Designers, as she deconstructs RISK. Traci will teach designers to embrace each element of RISK to create highly profitable and predictable businesses.

2 pm - IDS Amazing Race Event, Koi Pond TM 1
Designers and industry partners form groups and must solve challenges that lead them to participating showrooms throughout the World Trade Center, Trade Mart, and Interior Home & Design Center. Designers will get to know resources that are available at Dallas Market Center and showrooms will show designers how they can help with projects.

5 pm - D Home Issue Launch Party, IHDC 1D202 - The Gallery
Join D Home and Dallas Market center in celebrating the launch of the D Home spring issue featuring the Best Designers of 2024 interior design talent, from internationally recognized decorators to rising stars.

5 pm - IDS Amazing Race Finale Event, Koi Pond TM 1
Watch the finale and see the reveal of the winning team of designers and industry partners as they solve challenges to source resources that are available at Dallas Market Center showrooms across campus.
A full schedule of events can be found on dallasmarketcenter.com.

Platinum Sponsors for Design Days: Unique Loom and Wall Snobs; and Diamond Sponsors: Global Views, Designer's Patio, Game Rooms By Design, Market Hill On 6 By Paul Michael, Mc Studio, Rose Casual, Visual Comfort, and Uttermost.

New and Expanded Design Showrooms

New and expanded design showrooms that recently debuted include: In the Interior Home + Design Center, Visual Comfort & Co. (1D111) debuted an expanded showroom with all brands together in one place. Surya debuted its new showroom in 1D321 with a celebration. MC Studio (2F140) expanded to include Bernhardt Interiors and Tomlinson Furniture. Shadow Catchers Art (WTC 194) has its own showroom in the hallways between the IHDC and WTC. Noble Furniture relocated to the second floor (2F125). Game Room Furniture Partners debuted in 1D102. French Market Collection arrived (2F133) The Gallery showroom (IHDC 1D202) welcomes new exhibitors Shelfology (GL 80), The Library by Anne McGilvray (GL 18), and Home Trends & Designs (GL 102) joining recent arrival Mainly Baskets Home (GL 82).

For upcoming markets, visit the Dallas Market Center website and download the Dallas Market Center mobile app. Also, keep up-to-date on all information by visiting Dallas Market Center on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the DMC Daily Dose.
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