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High Point Market Updates Safety Protocols for Spring Market

In light of revised CDC and state guidelines, show organizer loosens mask, social distancing and capacity limit guidelines.

HIGH POINT, N.C. -- In light of the recent updates from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the state of North Carolina regarding health and safety guidelines and mandates, the High Point Market Authority has updated its #HPMKTsafe protocols for Spring Market, June 5-9.

To align with the state’s adjusted mask mandate, face coverings will still be required on all Market shuttles, but buildings and showrooms will not need to require face coverings. However, should they choose to do so, signage should be posted indicating the request.

Capacity restrictions and social distancing guidelines have been removed, although some buildings may still reduce capacity or promote social distancing in common areas and on elevators and escalators. Posted signage should outline any guidance regarding these areas.

Daily health checks will no longer be required, and wristbands indicating a successful health check will no longer be distributed.

“Even before this pandemic, we have relied on the advice and guidance of our medical authorities to inform our health and safety policies, and we are continuing to do so,” commented Tom Conley, president and CEO of the High Point Market Authority. “They are the health experts, and thus we trust them to share with us best practices based on the most up-to-date medical data they have. These #HPMKTsafe updates are simply us taking their guidance and applying it accordingly across the Market district.”

Market attendees are urged to respect any posted safety signage when entering any building or showroom.

The current #HPMKTsafe plan is available on the High Point Market website at www.highpointmarket.org/HPMKTsafe. Any additional updates made will be reflected on this webpage.

About the High Point Market Authority

The High Point Market Authority, www.highpointmarket.org and www.highpointmarketauthority.org, is the official sponsor and organizer of the High Point Market in High Point, N.C. Featuring an extensive selection of exhibitors spanning every category, style, and price point, and attracting tens of thousands of visitors from more than 100 countries twice each year, High Point Market is the driving force of the home furnishings industry. Find the High Point Market anywhere online, and follow on social media using the hashtag #HPMKT.
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