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HPMA Reorganizes for Leadership Transition Following Fall Market

Incoming High Point Market Authority CEO Tammy Nagem announces new positions and a new hire in HPMA leadership transition.

montage of four HPFM executive portraits
Top row, from left, Tammy Nagem, Ashley Grigg. Bottom, from left, Terry Venable, Ben Muller

HIGH POINT, N.C. – High Point Market Authority (HPMA) prepares for its previously announced leadership transition following fall market with a new reporting structure outlined by incoming President and Chief Executive Officer Tammy Nagem.

Nagem, who joined HPMA when it was established in 2002 and currently serves as chief operating officer, will assume her new role with the retirement of current President and CEO Tom Conley later this year.

Three vice presidents will report directly to Nagem, including Ashley Grigg, earning a promotion to vice president of strategic growth and partnerships, a new position. Grigg joined HPMA in 2014 and has served as director of marketing and communications since 2017.

Ben Muller has joined HPMA’s team as vice president of marketing and communications, also a new position. Muller brings over 15 years of corporate marketing strategy to the role, most recently focusing on the apparel industry. His experience includes non-profit event management and fundraising.

Terry Venable is currently vice president of operations and finance and will remain in this position, expanding his operational responsibilities as Nagem’s COO position is dissolved.

HPMA is responsible for marketing and operations of the biannual High Point Market, the world’s largest home furnishings trade show, which was established in High Point, NC, in 1909. The trade show attracts approximately 75,000 visitors from across the U.S., North America, and internationally, each spring and fall, contributing over $6 billion to the local and state economy annually.

As the trade show’s organizer, HPMA operates as a 501(c)(6) corporation, and is funded by High Point Market exhibitors, the State of North Carolina, Guilford County, and the City of High Point.

“The new organizational structure for HPMA champions our strategic goal to ensure continuousgrowth for High Point Market,” says Nagem. “That growth is driven by exceptional experiences for buyers, through targeted marketing communications, and operational excellence.”

“I’m in full support of Tammy and her team as they lead HPMA into the future,” adds Conley. “I’m confident High Point Market and all of its stakeholders will be in good hands.”

The new team will be in place as HPMA transitions to focus on the Spring 2023 Market, scheduled for April 22-26.

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