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Industry, Obituaries

Industry Veteran Ralph Long Has Died

Ralph M. Long, age 76, a rug industry veteran, died on  Feb. 8, 2023. Fondly known as “The Momeni Man," he represented many vendors, including Momeni, covering the territories of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Mississippi. 

RugNews.com Editors
portrait of Ralph Long
Long-time rug industry sales representative Ralph Long.

DALLAS -- Ralph M. Long, age 76, finished his battle with liver cancer in a peaceful passing on February 8, 2023, in Dallas, Texas.

He was in the flooring, carpet, and rug business for more than 40 years as an independent agent and executive sales representative. Fondly known as “The Momeni Man”, he represented many vendors, including Momeni, covering the territories of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Mississippi.

"Ralph never missed any of our industry trade shows, his joy was to travel and be on the road," Reza Momeni, founder, Momeni said. "He was instrumental to our growth in late '80s and '90s. He will be missed.”

Most customers, fellow flooring vendors and reps will remember Ralph as the well dressed, tailored suit, silk tie, monogrammed shirt salesman, always with his leather briefcase in tow. He could bark like a bulldog but was always devoted to his trade and the needs of his customers. Large accounts and the mom and pop retail stores were always his number one priority, he loved taking care of his customers in person and at the trade shows. He was a road warrior spending more time driving his samples around than at home. Ralph served the Army as a medic from 1966-1968 and was a graduate of LSU, he remained a devoted LSU Tiger.

Ralph will be buried in his native hometown of Winnfield, Louisiana, on Saturday Feb. 18, 2023 in a private graveside service.
Ralph is survived by his sister, Nancy Crain, her sons John Robert Crain, Charles Crain, her grandson Palmer Crain and his business partner Dianna Cools, her daughter Allison Arnold and son Andrew Arnold.

He quietly gave to those who needed support, and enjoyed giving abundantly to family and co-workers. He will be remembered as a best friend by many.

In lieu of flowers, please give to a Veterans Community in Ralph’s name – Dovetail Landing – Cropwell, Alabama, click here.
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