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Jaipur Living Launches Trade Talk Instagram Live Series to Connect with Customers

The Instagram Live series, Trade Talk, by Jaipur will run every Wednesday through the month of April and features design industry influencers and experts.

portrait of designer

ACWORTH, Ga.  -- Jaipur Living has launched the Instagram Live series, Trade Talk, running every Wednesday through the month of April. It features design industry influencers and experts sharing their insights, along with their favorite Jaipur Living products.
"We want to help trade professionals connect with each other digitally during this time of social distancing," said Carl Henrickson, director of brand and digital marketing for Jaipur Living. "This is a way to bring them together for inspiring and relevant content with some of our industry partners and friends. It's been very well received."
Jaipur Living licensing partner Nikki Chu kicked off the live series with viewers asking the celebrity designer and lifestyle expert her opinion on everything from hotel interiors to her personal preference (neutrals) in decorating with colors.  Jaipur Living customers have also heard from Lori Paranjape, who talked about her experiences as a designer and working with Jaipur Living.
Upcoming guests include Nashville-based designer Sam Cram, scheduled for Wednesday April 15 beginning 1 p.m. EST. Atlanta-based interiors shop Verde Home is tentatively scheduled for April 22. 

Check out the series on Jaipur Living's Instagram Trade Talk channel.

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