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Natco's Dalton Team Steps Up to Produce Medical Gowns

Lisa Vincenti

Natco Home's Dalton division, in collaboration with Fabric Source International, is now producing medical gowns for nearby medical facilities in need of protective gear during the Covid-19 crisis.

DALTON, Ga. -- Natco Home's Dalton division is now producing medical gowns for hospitals fighting the Covid-19 pandemic, in collaboration with Fabric Source International, a Dalton provider of nonwoven, composite, specialty, and woven products.

"We will allocate any resources we have available at Natco in this fight against COVID 19 in an effort to protect the heroes on the front line at the healthcare facilities," Michael Litner, Natco principal, told RugNews.com.

Natco is converting its sewing machines, normally used to serge area rugs, so they can sew the fabric to make medical gowns, which have been in short supply nationwide since the Covid-19 crisis hit the U.S.

"Fabric Sources International, asked us to partner with them in this project," said Susan Bush, director of tufting at Natco Home Group. "We consider it a privilege to be a part of fighting this pandemic so the decision to participate was a very easy one for our management, locally and on a corporate level."


Natco's Dalton rug facility and its serving team is producing medical gowns for nearby medical facilities in need of protective equipment.


"We have been working on this for approximately two weeks and have made 500 gowns and will be up to approximately 1,000 [in the next day or so]. Some of that time has been spent developing the product and procedure."


Natco will continue top produce gowns as long as there is a need and is sending those to Dalton's local hospital, Hamilton Medical Center, and Atlanta's Emory -- "we have had a significant number of requests from other facilities for this vital equipment," Bush added.


There are currently about a dozen serge operators and other employees involved in the project at Natco's Riverbend facility and the company could at least double its capacity if needed.
Fabric Source International and Mohawk Home are have also begun producing medical gowns for Georgia facilities as well.

Natco Home's rug weavers are helping produce medical gowns to help the frontlines of the Covid-19 pandemic.
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