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New York Home Fashions Market Cancelled

The New York Home Fashions Market, scheduled for March 23 - 26, 2020 in Manhattan, has been cancelled due to mounting concerns over the spread of COVID-19 virus.

NEW YORK -- The New York Home Fashions Market, scheduled for March 23 - 26, 2020 in Manhattan, has been cancelled due to mounting concerns over the spread of COVID-19 virus.

In an announcement on the Home Fashion Products Association (HFPA) website, the organization explained: "While we had hoped to be able to carry on with market, we don't believe it's in the best interest of the industry or the community at-large to do so. While the Market as a whole is being cancelled, each company will decide on their own whether or not to be open during this period."

Major retailers, including Amazon.com, Target and Walmart, have all cancelled non-critical travel, and many New York Home Fashions Market exhibitors told RugNews.com that major clients had said they will not attend the NY event. While others are still hopeful that some smaller accounts will still attend.

RugNews.com has been contacting exhibitors on their individual plans for market, and will be updating its coverage regularly. Contact us and let us know your new plans at lvincenti@rugnews.com and ctisch@rugnews.com.
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