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NRF Welcomes Dream Act of 2023

The National Retail Federation today sent a letter in support of their reintroduction of legislation to protect the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Retail Federation sent a letter from Senior Vice President of Government Relations David French to U.S. Senators Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., in support of their reintroduction of legislation to protect the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. The letter states:

“To refer to this legislation as ‘long overdue’ is to understate the point considerably. For far too long, Congress has failed to do the right thing and adjust the status of law-abiding, tax-paying Americans who have never known adult life anywhere else besides the United States.

“NRF has long supported legislation to address the status of these so-called ‘dreamers,’ immigrants who were brought to the country as minors and remain in good legal standing. The legal uncertainty surrounding these men and women, through no fault of their own, makes it challenging for our members to hire them.

“While this legislation is an important step in addressing much-needed immigration reform, NRF further encourages Congress to move separate legislation to address the many flaws in our broken immigration system. The current system simply fails to meet our nation’s needs. NRF will continue to urge Congress to expand avenues to immigration for high-skilled and low-skilled workers alike.”

As the leading authority and voice for retail, NRF is a member of the Coalition for the American Dream, working collectively with businesses, trade associations and other groups to address this urgent issue.
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