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High Point, Show News & Business

Premarket Sponsors Gearing Up for Strong Spring Showing

High Point Premarket Committee is reporting encouraging feedback from invited buyers in advance of their shifted spring event, which typically occurs each March, but was moved to April 25-27.


HIGH POINT, N.C. -- Continuing to build on the momentum gained last fall, the High Point Premarket Committee is reporting encouraging feedback from invited buyers in advance of their shifted spring event. Typically occurring each March, the spring 2021 Premarket moved to April 25-27 after the High Point Market Authority announced Spring Market’s move to June.

“We are receiving unprecedented interest from our buyer base regarding their interest to come to High Point this spring. Considering all the restrictions and travel woes people were experiencing this past fall, it’s a refreshing change of tune that more are willing to hop in the car or on a plane to get here,” says Doug Bassett, chairman of the Premarket Committee and president of Vaughan-Bassett Furniture. “And we’ll be ready for them! Whether they’re invited to Premarket, coming to June Market, or hopefully both, High Point is here to serve.”

A biannual tradition, Premarket is designed to provide a select group of furniture retailers with a precursory look at the product introductions set to debut at the upcoming High Point Market. These extended appointments allow attending retailers to experience a more in-depth showroom visit and frees up their schedule when they return to High Point during Market to be able to visit other vendors, thus allowing them to visit a larger group of exhibitors overall.

The spring 2021 premarket will feature 20 sponsoring exhibitors, including:

Austin Group Furniture
Avalon Furniture
Bernhardt Furniture
Digio Leather
Hillsdale Furniture
Hooker Furniture
Incanto Italia
Leather Italia USA
Legacy Classic Furniture
Magnussen Home Furnishings
New Classic Furniture
Palliser Furniture
Pulaski Furniture
Riverside Furniture
Samuel Lawrence Furniture
Sunpan Furniture
Universal Furniture
Vanguard Furniture
Vaughan-Bassett Furniture

Other exhibitors have indicated they will also open for buyer appointments during the April Premarket dates, some through initiatives like First Tuesday and High Point x Design, and others independently since buyers will be in town.  

All of these exhibitors will be among the almost-two-thousand exhibitors planning to exhibit at High Point Market, scheduled for June 5-9. Registration is now open at www.highpointmarket.org.

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