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High Point, Show News & Business

Surya Becomes Title Sponsor for Vacation Rental Design Summit Debuting at Spring HPMKT

The VRD Summit, a new industry event produced by High Point x Design and High Point Market Authority, announces Surya as its Title Sponsor, with Surya joining a formidable cadre of home furnishings and decor brands, technology companies and industry associations supporting the debut event.

A surya hand knotted rug in a contemporary library-like space
Satya Tiwari announces that Surya is the Title Sponsor for VRD Summit, a new event by High Point x Design and
HPMA launching at spring market. 
Shown, Surya's AAU2307

HIGH POINT, N.C., April 7, 2023– The Vacation Rental Design (VRD) Summit, a new industry event produced by High Point x Design and High Point Market Authority, announces Surya as its Title Sponsor. Surya joins a formidable group of home furnishings and decor brands, technology companies, and industry associations supporting the Summit which debuts April 20-21 in High Point.

“We are very excited to participate in this inaugural designer summit focused on the vacation rental market. This will be a crucial opportunity for us to learn from and network with like-minded professionals, gain valuable insights and stay on top of the latest trends and developments in this space,” said Satya Tiwari, presiden of Surya, a lifestyle brand that has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to supporting interior designers.

Surya and many of the suummit partner brands -- including Feizy Rugs, Four Hands, Currey & Co. and Universal -- are already working with vacation rental designers, as well as boutique hospitality brands, and recognize the opportunities in this design niche.

Jessica Duce, of JDuce Design and Vacation Rental Designers, the Houston-based interior designer who initiated the idea for the summit, is adamant about spreading the word.

“The design projects of vacation rental designers have the potential for more reach for a brand at a much faster rate with a much wider net, not to mention the property refreshes that happen every few years.” said Duce who has been an integral part of the VRD Summit advisory team, including shaping the Summit’s agenda which was recently released on the HPxD website.

Duce worked with HPxD Managing Director Jane Dagmi to create educational programming that would appeal to both seasoned vacation rental designers looking to level up their services and designers new to the niche. Bringing in over 30 speakers and industry experts distributed between eight solo presentations and seven panels, VRD Summit’s content will examine a diversity of designer business models, explore the unique characteristics and demands of vacation rental design, and reveal the clever and creative solutions designers have instituted in their practices to navigate them. Sourcing, logistics, ROI, accessibility, sustainability, kitchen and bath trends, and creating scroll-stopping photography are all up for discussion.

Attendees will also get the chance to discover new resources at the summit— home brands that are staging the venue such as EQ3, Crypton Fabrics, Feizy Rugs, New Growth Design, Saatva, Splashworks, and Universal -- and those exhibiting in the Vendor Gallery such as Gat Creek, Big Ass Fans, and HPxD.

“There are brands exhibiting that have never been to High Point,“ said Dagmi, mentioning Ayara Home wallpaper and decor, PAR KER made textiles and art, and InnStyle, which services the rental community with bed and bath linens and amenities. Harp & Finial, which has a permanent showroom at IHFC, will also have a Summit pop-up. Mydoma Studio, American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) and International Community of Interior Designers (ICID), design trade associations will round out the Summit's Vendor Gallery.

On behalf of the VRD Summit’s advisory team, Dagmi shared, “We are so grateful to the many sponsors and the generosity that each of these brands have contributed to our overall success! It’s really come together and looking at attendance, it appears that we are forging the foundation for a new community passionate about vacation rental design and elevating it.”

Registration for the Summit ends on April 14. If openings remain, limited onsite tickets may be purchased at the event on opening day, Thursday, April 20 at The Lofts at Congdon Yards (400 W. English Road, High Point, NC 27262).

VRD Summit 2023 Sponsors

Title Sponsor: Surya
Headline Sponsors: Crypton Fabrics, Currey & Company, Feizy Rugs, Four Hands, and High Point Market.
Hospitality Sponsors: Capel Rugs, CODARUS, Norwalk Furniture, and Pandora’s Manor.
Vendor Gallery Sponsors: American Society of Interior Designers (ASID), Ayara Wallcovering & Decor, Big Ass Fans, Gat Creek, Harp & Finial, HPxD, Inn Style, International Community of Interior Designers (ICID), Mydoma Studio, and PAR KER made.
Furniture & Stage Sponsors: EQ3, New Growth Designs, Saatva Mattress, Universal Furniture, and Splashworks.
Participating Sponsors: Aloka Home, Interior Design Society (IDS), MINE, Touch Stay, and Vacation Rental Designers.
Industry Partners; American Society of Interior Designers (ASID), Fashion Snoops, International Furnishings Design Association (IFDA), National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA), and Real Estate & Staging Association (RESA).

About Vacation Rental Design Summit @vrdsummit The B2B event is created to offer business development, education, focused networking, inspiration and resources to those currently designing for the short-term rental market or have a business interest in the vacation rental industry. Registration for VRD Summit ends on April 14 at 11:30 PM. If openings remain, limited onsite tickets may be purchased at the event on opening day, Thursday, April 20 at The Lofts at Congdon Yards (400 W. English Rd, High Point, NC 27262).

High Point x Design (HPxD) is a 501(c)6 organization that is bringing together a growing collection of the industry’s leading showrooms, brands, makers, and visionaries to transform High Point into a year-round hub for design and creativity open to all. To learn more visit: HPXD.ORG @highpointxdesign
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