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Government & Trade

WFCA Hosts Webinar Discussing Impact of Covid-19 Relief Legislation on Members

DALTON, Ga. -- The World Floor Covering Association (WFCA) offered another live Covid-19 legislative webinar Thursday, April 9 at 2 p.m. full of important answers for small businesses. This is an opportunity to receive up to date information on legislation impacting its members and assisting them in determining what they should do to take advantage of the stimulus being provided. The webinar will be available on WFCA's website for those who missed it. 

In addition, WFCA legal counsel, Jeff King, has responded individually to countless requests for specific information and interpretations of the legislation that is coming from Washington, D.C. His webinar and responses cover many areas of concern, and are available to at the organizations' Coronavirus Response Resource Center. This area also contains vital information on insurance, family leave, SBA loans, fraud, state by state guidelines on exempt vs non-exempt employees, Canada specific responses, and so much more.

If you have specific questions of a legislative or legal nature, please direct those concerns or questions to jeffw@jkingesq.com or mperkins@lobbyit.com.
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