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High Point, Show News & Business

High Point Market Authority Opens Registration for Fall 2021 Market, Announces Return of Events

Registration for the Fall 2021 High Point Market is now open and organizers welcome the return of a robust event schedule, numerous tours, and full-scale programs.

HIGH POINT, N.C. — Registration for the Fall 2021 High Point Market is now open for home furnishings buyers, international buyers, exhibitors, industry, press, and students. Scheduled for October 16-20, interested members of the home furnishings industry can register online at www.highpointmarket.org/register.

Fall Market not only marks a return to the typical High Point schedule after an adjusted spring cycle pushed Market later by several weeks, but also welcomes the return of a robust event schedule, numerous tours, and full-scale programs.

The High Point Market Authority, various buildings, exhibitors, and industry associations are all actively planning events, tours, and programs for Fall Market. The online event calendar will make its debut at www.highpointmarket.org/events in mid-August, with more events being added as details are finalized.

Attendees are encouraged to plan ahead, registering early and contacting Travel Quest to lock in overnight accommodations, after which attendees can then shift their focus to scheduling showroom appointments and adding events to one’s personalized MyMarket schedule.

“The excitement surrounding Fall Market is palpable amongst all facets of the industry,” comments Tom Conley, president and CEO of the High Point Market Authority. “The industry is eager to connect face to face, engage their suppliers directly, and be inspired as they’re used to doing here in High Point. The feeling is mutual, I can assure you, and we are enthusiastically counting the days until October!”

New this Market, persons registering onsite will be charged a $30 onsite processing fee, with the exception of exhibitors and media. Those planning to attend are encouraged to register online to avoid paying this fee. Pass reprints onsite for those already registered will not be charged.

Any qualified attendee registering prior to October 1 (September 17 for international attendees) will have their pass mailed to them in advance. Those registering online after this deadline will be able to pick up their pass onsite, but will not be charged a processing fee.

For registration assistance, the High Point Market Authority can be reached at (336) 869-1000 during normal business hours or by emailing registration@highpointmarket.org.

About the High Point Market Authority

The High Point Market Authority, www.highpointmarket.org and www.highpointmarketauthority.org, is the official sponsor and organizer of the High Point Market in High Point, N.C. Featuring an extensive selection of exhibitors spanning every category, style, and price point, and attracting tens of thousands of visitors from more than 100 countries twice each year, High Point Market is the driving force of the home furnishings industry. Find the High Point Market anywhere online, and follow on social media using the hashtag #hpmkt.

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