Vaibhav and Vinamra Laddha of LR Home present sales rep Wanda Lanzi with a commemorative plaque in honor of
her service to the company.
HIGH POINT, N.C. – Retailers, reps and other industry colleagues paid tribute to Wanda Lanzi at a party held in her honor at the LR Home High Point showroom to commemorate her career and her service to the company.
Vinamra Laddha, LR principal, thanked Wanda Lanzi for her contributions during her 10-year tenure at the company and presented her with an engraved plaque to commemorate her time at the rug, textile, and furniture manufacturer. “We couldn’t have grown to be the company we are today without you,” he said, and after a glowing tribute, handed her a cell phone for a FaceTime call from LR Home founder Krishna Laddha in India, who offered a heartfelt thank you to Lanzi.
Celebrating Wanda Lanzi’s retirement at LR Home: from left: Mike Thompson of LR Home, Nicky Johnson and Gigi Cook
of Décor Design, Wanda Lanzi, Sean Cook of Décor Design, Eileen Meilunas of Luna Beach Interiors and Mark Corbett, Wanda’s son.
Lanzi reminisced about her 50 + years in the home furnishings business as a retailer as well as sales agent. “I love what I do, and I’ve loved every minute of working with LR Home.” She winked and reminded her coworkers that she won the company’s top salesperson of the year award for the past eight years in a row, and that it would take a lot for them to beat that record! “I’m retiring from LR Home but I’m not retiring from the industry I love,” she said. “I’ll still be helping my son [Mark Corbett] with his business as a sales rep.”

Wanda Lanzi with Vinamra Laddha and Gail Komisar and Randi Schachter of Biltrite Furniture in Greenfield, Wisconsin.